Steps to self-love​

Whilst there are no steps to life itself, there are steps we can take to ensure that we make the best lives for ourselves to live. The Dalai Lama appointed 18 rules for living a full life and fulfilling our core spirit by fulfilling the 3 R’s.

  • These include:
    -Respect for self.
    -Respect for others.
    -And responsibility for our actions.

These I believe are driven by a full force power which we must nurture in life to be fulfilled in order to achieve respect and begin to take responsibility. This being self-love.
Self-love is something merely overlooked sometimes and something altogether disregarded. As Chobsky once said, ‘we accept the love we think we deserve.’sometimes, that hurtful inadequate love can come from within yourself. By practicing self-love, you can start giving yourself the love you deserve.

So here are the steps to self-love:

1. Practice mindfulness.
-People who practice mindfulness know who they are and act on this knowledge without regard to what other people think. Knowing who you are and what you are feeling at a particular time can give you the confidence to face any obstacle.

2. Need vs. Want.
-Focusing on what you need rather than what you a want is a key step to recognizing your strengths. This focus enables you to enhances them for a longer period of time whilst getting personal with your weaknesses. Your wants; they are seasonal, flitting and lesser self- love.

3. Self-care.
-Self-care differs from every person, the basis of this is to prioritize your basic needs. Fluffing up your daily health necessities like listening to your favorite music artists, getting a good nights sleep, making healthy meals and ridding yourself of toxic interactions.

4. Boundaries.
-Learn to say no. Focus on your mood and emotions, your spiritual journey is more important. By telling yourself and other’s exactly what threatens your happiness. boundaries are all about honing in on your feelings and honoring them.

5. Set goals.
Goals give us intentions and living intentionally adds value to your day and your everyday tasks. If you intend on living a healthy, happy and sweet life, then your decisions every day will lead you to this.

Remember, love, starts within you. Only you have the key to happiness in your life, and this begins with self-love.

Till then my loves,

P.S: A favorite self-care routine for me is having a long bubble bath and listening to my favorite album.  I am loving CTRL by SZA  this summer it’s amazing! Prom is my national anthem at the minute.

Published by Mero

Social and Digital Media

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